Step inside our home, where our mission comes to life
We’re all about building meaningful connections with people – and there’s no better place to do that than the amazing balcony of our new digs.
Perched atop the Granite Park Five building in Plano, you can catch a breeze or even the fireworks after a Frisco RoughRiders game.
On a nice day, it’s where we code our hearts out and think big thoughts about how we can help clients change the world. It’s also where we center ourselves, both in community with our colleagues and our weekly yoga sessions.

As a Certified B Corp, we intentionally do business in a way that balances purpose and profit. We care about how our work makes an impact and how we enable our clients to increase theirs as well.
We believe that making a difference in the community starts with how we treat our clients and our colleagues. That’s why we took great care to design our home in a way that reflects our culture.

We love jammin’ to our Spotify playlists while we collaborate, so we’ve got Sonos speakers at every cluster of desks. But for those needing quiet time, we’ve got plenty of rooms to choose from.
The smallest one is a cozy nook named Hanaroo, paying homage to a memorable sushi joint in Little Rock where the bravest would venture during trips to Heifer International.

Then there’s the biggest conference room, just across from the kitchen, where we host Lifeblue University, otherwise known as LBU, a weekly lunch and learn where a team member or guest shares insights and lessons with the whole crew. It’s also where we gather to bang the gong whenever we hit a major milestone worth celebrating.

Along with regular opportunities to learn, we also value flexibility. Need a coffee break? No problem. Our snazzy kitchen’s got at least six ways for you to make a great cup of joe.